Monday, February 26, 2007

English Assignment #5

d. What is climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?

The answer: After all according to the first definition, when Jack rebels and forms his own tribe, resulting in a "war" between his boys and Ralph's. According to the second definition, the climax occurs when Ralph fights Jack and Piggy die. I didn't know that Piggy is dead after all. Also these events make me to surprise of this story. Incidentally Jack’s selection of the vulnerable sow arises from his defeated attempt to depose Ralph and foreshadows his later actions. I mean they were having very dangerous and had hard time that much. The hunters had stole Piggy’s (one of the fire-watchers) glasses so that they may have a means of making a cooking fire. In addition, one of the more vicious hunters’ roles a boulder off of a cliff, crushing Piggy, and causing the death of yet another rational was being. This story concludes with the hunters hunting. After lighting half of the island on fire in an attempt to smoke Ralph from his hiding place, they chase him on to the beach only to find a ships captain and crew waiting there to rescue them, because he saw the smoking.

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